🌀 Is Your Hurricane Kit Ready? Don’t Wait Till the Last Minute!

❓Trivia Question❓
What category hurricane has wind speeds between 111-129 mph?
Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

Hey Prepper!

If you're reading this, there's a good chance you’re no stranger to hurricanes—or at least the threat of them. But before we dive into today’s message, picture this for a moment

It’s 11:00 PM, and the wind is howling. đŸŒŹïž You hear that unmistakable crash outside as the rain slams into your windows. The power flickers... then poof—total darkness. Everything's out.

Now what? đŸ€”

Are you ready to hunker down with confidence, knowing you’ve got everything you need to ride out the storm? Or are you frantically wondering if there’s enough water, batteries, and canned beans to last the night?

If you’re in the latter camp, you’re not alone—but you don’t have to stay there. This is where I come in, because today, we’re talking about the must-have hurricane emergency supplies you need to have on hand.

Trust me, this list will make the difference between “I’ve got this” and “OMG, why didn’t I stock up?”

đŸ€”Why You Need a Hurricane Emergency Kit

Look, hurricanes are unpredictable—like your Uncle Frank at Thanksgiving dinner. 🍗 They can start as harmless clouds off the coast and turn into category monsters faster than you can say "Where's the duct tape?"

Here’s the thing: by the time the winds pick up, it’s already too late to start prepping. The lines at the store will be longer than a TikTok trend's lifespan, and the shelves will be stripped bare of anything useful. So, let’s get ahead of the curve, shall we?

With hurricane season (and all its unpredictable glory) around the corner, it’s time to get serious about what needs to be in your kit—and more importantly, what should stay there year-round.

Whether you're a seasoned storm survivor or a newbie to the world of "batten down the hatches," this guide will have you prepped and ready for whatever Mother Nature throws your way.

The Ultimate Hurricane Emergency Supply List
Here are the essentials that need to be in your hurricane kit if you want to weather the storm without losing your mind (or your phone signal).

  1. Water, Water, and More Water đŸ’§ 
    Rule number one in any disaster: you can’t live without water. You need to stockpile at least one gallon of water per person, per day for at least three days. That covers drinking, cooking, and basic hygiene.

    Pro tip: don’t forget the pets! They need water, too. đŸŸIf you’re feeling extra savvy, consider a water purification system or tablets. Hurricanes can disrupt local water supplies, and you don’t want to be left boiling pond water if it comes to that.

  2. Food That Won’t Spoil đŸ„« 
    You’re not living like royalty during a hurricane, but you still gotta eat. Stock up on non-perishable foods like canned goods, peanut butter, granola bars, and dried fruit. Make sure you’ve got enough for at least three days

    Oh, and don’t forget a manual can opener—unless you’re planning to become the neighborhood’s most creative problem-solver. (Pro tip: canned goods without a can opener = sadness.)

  3. Flashlights and Batteries đŸ”Š
    When the lights go out—and trust me, they will—you’re going to need some reliable flashlights.

    Candles are great for ambiance, but they’re not exactly hurricane-safe. Grab extra batteries, too. Double up on all your batteries, because nothing says "I was almost prepared" like a dead flashlight.  

    A headlamp is also a great idea so you can keep your hands free while you figure out where that weird noise is coming from in the dark.

  4. First Aid Kit đŸ„ 
    A good first aid kit is essential. From minor cuts and scrapes to more serious injuries, you need to be able to patch things up until help arrives.

    Stock your kit with:
    - Bandages
    - Antiseptics
    - Pain relievers (Ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc.)
    - Tweezers, scissors, and medical tape
    - Any prescription meds you or your family need

    Remember, in a hurricane, help might not arrive for days—you’re your first responder.

  5. Portable Power Banks đŸ”‹ 

    Cell phone dead? Welcome to the apocalypse, friend. 😅 Keep your lifeline (aka your phone) charged with a portable power bank.

    With no power, staying connected is more than just tweeting through the storm—it’s about getting updates, contacting loved ones, and maybe even calling for help.

    And yes, get one with multiple charges so you’re not left high and dry when that low-battery warning pops up.

  6. NOAA Weather Radio đŸ“»  

    An NOAA weather radio is like having a personal weatherman who never loses signal. (Which is more than we can say for the cable guy, right?) It’ll keep you informed of updates, evacuation orders, and weather patterns even when the power’s out.

    Look for a radio that’s battery-operated or hand-crank powered. These things are lifesavers when the storm gets ugly, and it’s pitch-black outside.

  7. Extra Clothes and Blankets đŸ§„ 

    Hurricanes often bring floodwaters and chilly weather in their wake. Pack extra clothes, especially warm layers, and waterproof items. And don’t skimp on blankets—if the power’s out, you’ll need them when the air gets damp and cold.

    Bonus: stock a few rain ponchos. If you’ve ever had to walk outside during a hurricane, you’ll thank yourself later.

  8. Important Documents đŸ“„ 

    This one’s easy to forget until you need it most. Keep important documents safe in a waterproof container.

    This includes:

    - IDs and passports

    - Insurance papers (home, car, health)

    - Bank account information

    If the worst happens, you’ll need these to pick up the pieces afterward. Better safe than sorry.

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

~Benjamin Franklin~

Are You REALLY Prepared?
By now, you’ve got the basics covered—water, food, batteries, and all that good stuff. But let’s not forget the nice-to-haves that make surviving a hurricane not only doable but a whole lot easier.

How about:

  • Battery backup systems (for when the power goes out but you need to keep the essentials running)

  • Solar chargers (because even after the storm, you’ll need energy)

  • Camping stoves (because cold beans are no one’s idea of comfort food)

đŸ€Ł Joke of the Day
Why did the hurricane bring a suitcase?
Because it was ready to blow everyone away! đŸŒȘ

 Now’s the Time to Get Prepped

Don’t wait for the local news to start flashing evacuation warnings before you begin building your hurricane kit. The best time to get prepared is right now.

When everyone else is racing to grab the last loaf of bread, you’ll be sitting cozy, sipping your canned fruit juice and feeling like the genius you are.

Head over to our site Prepped and Ready Blogs to check out our curated list of hurricane must-haves. From flashlights to portable power solutions, we’ve got everything you need to feel truly prepared. đŸŒȘ

Or, If you found these tips helpful, don't forget to share this newsletter with your friends and family.

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Don’t wait for the storm to catch you off guard—be prepped, be ready, and stay safe!

Warm regards,  
Prepped and Ready Team

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💡 Answer to Trivia Question:
A Category 3 hurricane, which can cause devastating damage.