🏞️ Lost AF? How to Survive in the Wild When Your GPS Chokes

"The wilderness is not a place to escape to, but a place to find yourself. It is a journey of self-discovery and courage, where you learn to stand alone and confidently stand by your beliefs."

Brené Brown, Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone.

Greetings, Adventurers!

⛯Welcome to our latest newsletter, where we're embarking on a journey into the wilderness and discovering how to navigate like a pro when GPS isn't an option.

⛯Get ready to hone your wilderness navigation skills and explore the great outdoors like never before!

❓Trivia Question❓
What is the name of the imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and passes through Greenwich, England?
Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

🏞️Tips for Finding Your Way When GPS Fails 🏞️

GPS may be a handy tool, but it's not always reliable, especially in remote areas or during emergencies. That's why it's crucial to learn traditional navigation techniques that can save the day when technology fails.

🧭 Tip #1: Master the Map and Compass: Learn how to read a topographic map and use a compass to determine direction. These timeless skills will guide you through even the most challenging terrain with confidence.

🌲 Tip #2: Pay Attention to Natural Signposts: Nature provides plenty of clues to help you find your way. From the direction of the sun to the shape of the trees, learn how to interpret these signs to stay on course.

🌄 Tip #3: Use Landmarks and Terrain Features: Identify prominent landmarks and terrain features on your map to pinpoint your location. Whether it's a distinctive peak or a winding river, these landmarks can be invaluable navigation aids.

🚶 Tip #4: Walk with Purpose: Pay attention to your surroundings as you move through the wilderness. Look for landmarks behind you that you can use as reference points when retracing your steps.


The YouTube video titled "Maps and Navigation for Preppers" by Canadian Prepper provides insights into essential maps and navigation techniques for preppers, focusing on survival skills in various scenarios. It emphasizes the importance of being well-prepared and having the necessary skills to navigate rugged terrain effectively. The content aims to equip viewers with practical knowledge and strategies for navigating the wilderness in emergencies.

🤣 Joke of the Day🤣 
Why did the prepper bring a pencil to the survival skills class?
 In case they needed to draw out a plan B!


These articles collectively offer a comprehensive guide on navigating the wilderness effectively by leveraging traditional navigation tools, natural cues, and strategic planning to ensure safety and successful exploration in remote environments.


  • Beeswax can be used as a natural fire starter when combined with cotton balls, lint, or paper. It burns longer than many other fire-starting materials.

  • A common household item for purifying water is chlorine bleach. Just a few drops of bleach can disinfect a liter of water, making it safe to drink in an emergency.

  • If you find yourself lost in the wilderness, you can use your analog watch to find your way. Point the hour hand towards the sun and halfway between that and the 12 is south (in the northern hemisphere).

🌐 Visit Our Website 🌐
More wilderness navigation tips and tricks are on our website! From map reading tutorials to compass calibration guides, we've got everything you need to become a master navigator. Don't miss out on exclusive content and community discussions! Prepped-and-Ready.com

With these wilderness navigation tips in your toolkit, you'll be ready to tackle any trail and explore new horizons with confidence. So grab your map and compass, and let the adventure begin!

Share your favorite wilderness navigation tips with us on social media using #WildernessNavigation! We can't wait to see how our community navigates its way through the great outdoors.

P.S. Share your favorite wilderness navigation tips with us on social media using or by Replying to this Email #WildernessNavigation! We can't wait to see how our community navigates its way through the great outdoors.

Happy Trails,
Prepped and Ready Team

💡 Answer to Trivia Question:
Called the Prime Meridian