🩹Important: Must-Have Items for Your Survival Kit

❓Trivia Question❓
What common household item can double as a makeshift bandage in an emergency? 
Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

Greetings Prepper!

🩹When it comes to survival, being prepared is the name of the game. And what better way to be ready for anything than having a well-stocked first aid kit?

🩺 Whether hiking, camping or just wanting to be prepared for life’s little surprises, a good first aid kit can make all the difference.

Today, we’re diving into the essential items you need to have in your survival kit to stay safe and healthy no matter what comes your way!

🚑 The Basics: What Every Kit Needs

When it comes to being prepared, having the right tools at your fingertips can make all the difference. Your first aid kit is your first line of defense in an emergency, so it’s important to have the essentials on hand.

  1. Bandages and Dressings 
    Cuts and scrapes happen, and when they do, you’ll want to have bandages and dressings on hand. Make sure you have a variety of sizes, from small adhesive bandages for minor cuts to larger dressings for bigger wounds.

  2. Antiseptic Wipes and Creams 

    Keeping wounds clean is super important to prevent infection. Stock up on antiseptic wipes and creams to disinfect any cuts or scrapes.

  3. Pain Relievers 

    Whether it’s a headache or muscle pain, pain relievers like ibuprofen or aspirin are must-haves in your first aid kit. They can help manage pain and reduce inflammation.

  4. Tweezers and Scissors 

    Tweezers are great for removing splinters, while scissors are handy for cutting bandages or gauze to the right size.

  5. Medical Tape 

    This is perfect for securing dressings, splints, or even just holding down gauze. It’s a versatile tool you don’t want to skip!

  6. Gauze Pads and Rolls 

    Gauze is crucial for covering and protecting larger wounds. Have plenty of these in different sizes, so you’re prepared for any situation.

  7. Emergency Blanket 

    These lightweight blankets are essential for keeping someone warm in case of shock or if you’re caught in cold weather. They can also be used for other purposes like creating a makeshift shelter.

  8. CPR Mask 

    Having a CPR mask is important for safely performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. It’s a small item that can make a big difference in an emergency.

  9. Instant Cold Packs 

    Great for sprains, strains, or bumps, these packs activate quickly to provide cold therapy, which helps reduce swelling and pain.

  10. Gloves 

    Always have a few pairs of disposable gloves in your kit. They protect you from bloodborne pathogens and help keep everything sterile.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

~Benjamin Franklin~


In the video, Justin Outdoors goes over his DIY first aid kit that he brings on outdoor adventures. He also mentions some key items that most people are missing from their first aid kits.

📚 Further Readings📚

Dive deeper into the world of first aid and emergency preparedness with our recommended reading list. From comprehensive first aid manuals to wilderness survival guides, there's something for every aspiring first responder.

🗺️ Did You Know?🗺️ 

Did you know that adhesive bandages, commonly known as Band-Aids, were invented in 1920 by a Johnson & Johnson employee named Earle Dickson? He created them for his wife, who often cut her fingers while cooking. Now, they’re an essential part of every first aid kit!


  • 🚑 Tip #1: Basic Wound Care Supplies: Include items like adhesive bandages, gauze pads, adhesive tape, and antiseptic wipes to clean and dress minor cuts and wounds. These supplies are essential for preventing infections and promoting healing.

  • 🩹 Tip #2: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Don't forget to protect yourself while providing first aid. Stock your kit with gloves, face masks, and eye protection to minimize the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens and other contaminants.

  • 🧯 Tip #3: Emergency Tools and Equipment: Pack essential tools like scissors, tweezers, a thermometer, and a CPR face shield in your first aid kit. These tools can help you assess injuries, administer medications, and perform life-saving interventions in emergencies.

  • 💊Tip #4: Medications and Treatments: Include over-the-counter medications like pain relievers, antihistamines, and anti-diarrheal drugs in your first aid kit to alleviate common symptoms and manage minor ailments. Don't forget to check expiration dates regularly and replace expired medications as needed.

💡 Building Your Kit: Tips and Tricks

🚨When assembling your first aid kit, keep in mind the specific needs of your family. For instance, if someone in your household has allergies, be sure to include an antihistamine or an EpiPen if prescribed.

If you’re packing a kit for outdoor adventures, consider adding items like insect repellent, sunscreen, and a snake bite kit.

It’s also a good idea to check your first aid kit regularly to ensure that none of the items are expired.

Replace anything that’s used up, and consider adding any new items you might need based on recent experiences.

🤣 Joke of the Day
Why did the bandage go to the party?
Because it wanted to stick around!


🔥Here’s to a more comprehensive source for mastering emergency preparedness and survival skills from our Prepped and Ready Blogs. 

💪From everyday power outages to apocalyptic events, we're here to ensure you stay safe, informed, and ready for anything life throws your way.

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🩹 Knowledge is power, and together, we can all be better prepared for whatever comes our way. 

Dive into expert guides and tips on survival and emergency preparedness, ensuring you and your loved ones are ready for any situation.

Stay informed, stay prepared, and confidently face whatever comes your way with Prepped and Ready.

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🎯 Your Action Plan
Now that you know what to include in your first aid kit, it’s time to take action! Gather these essentials and assemble your kit today. Being prepared means you’ll be ready to tackle any bumps, bruises, or emergencies that come your way.

With these essential items in your first aid kit, you'll be prepared to handle a wide range of injuries and emergencies with confidence.

Remember to regularly check and replenish your supplies, and stay informed about the latest first aid techniques and protocols. Together, we can make a difference in times of need.

Stay safe and locked in, friends!

Happy whistling and stay safe out there!
Prepped and Ready Team

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💡 Answer to Trivia Question:
 A clean cloth or T-shirt can be used as a makeshift bandage if you run out of gauze!